Barbell Bargain
The York Hercules barbell and dumbell sets are made up with a specially designed flat type plate, the kind used in the great majority of professional gyms. Hercules barbells are well made, strong, durable sets which are the equal of any barbell sets anywhere. They are the best barbell bargain in America today.
100 lb. Hercules Weight Training Combination. Includes 4 each of 14, 22, 5 and 72 pound Hercules plates, 5 foot polished steel bar with extra heavy duty inside and outside collars, weight 25 pounds. Pair of solid steel, 14 inch, dumbell-swingbells with heavy duty collars and revolving hand grips. 3 books of training courses, barbell, dumbell and swingbell training. With this set in addition to the barbell you can make up a pair of 371⁄2 pound dumbells or a 521⁄2 pound swingbell. Very moderately priced $16.95
Eat to Live-Get
Bob Hoffman
this Invaluable Book!
One of the best Bob Hoffman books. The latest and best information about all phases of better nutrition, vitamins, minerals, proteins; how to gain and lose weight; weight and height charts, etc. Two hundred and fifty-six pages of interesting, enlightening, scientific information. Information. which will mean much to you in building. and maintaining your body, in keeping well and strong.
Can you afford to be without this great book? It costs only $2.00 and can easily. show you the way to better life. It can
be the difference between perfect health and a long list of physical irregularities. More men fail to gain the desired results from a bodybuilding program through poor nutrition than for any other reason. $2.00 Postpaid
York, Pa.
(Continued from page 6)
quire less than an hour a week, the doctor would feel well, look well and be in a position to serve for additional decades.
Doctors do know the value of exercise. For instance, Dr. W. W. Hall, M.D, of New York City, wrote in 1851. "Better far to wear out in moderate useful activities, than to rust out in inglorious ease. There is no atom wholly idle in the whole uniNor should man be. Man makes his own according to the work of his hands.
"As a general rule, when a man gets sick it is his own fault, the result of either ignorance or neglect.
"More people die prematurely from want of care in any given year, than perish by plague, famine, pestilence
or war.
"Let children play as well as study. Let us educate their bodies as well as their minds.
"What a grand thing for the doctors that so few people have any sense, not even sense enough to take pains to keep well when they are so to keep well by living temperately, in pursuing in moderation the various callings of human life, while taking time for some sport, play and exercise.
"We may say with great truth, that the material glory, permanence
and power of any community consists in the physical vigor of the individual men and women who compose it, for physical perfection gives mental energy and mental health.
"If all could be well instructed as to the principles of living, moderation in all things, a happy, cheerful disposition, good wholesome food and most important of all, fresh air, sunlight and exercise, no physician would be needed to cure. And yet anyone must know, that if men could be taught to live according to these simple rules that disease would not be possible, most of the sufferings of humanity would be annihilated. And for this, I labor."
Ed Enos
(Continued from page 11) physical training, and the Boston papers called him "Mr. Atlas" and "The Bull." He is the first Uconn player ever signed to a Pro football
contract, and there is no doubt whatever that if it hadn't been for barbells, he would never have been big. enough-nor rough enough for the man-killing professional game.
What sort of training did Ed do? He followed the regular training routines often recommended in Strength and Health, including all the standard exercise movements, presses, curls, rowing motions, deadlifts, squats. He kept at it regularly, never missing a training session. He has never had the time to do actual weightlifting on the competitive Olympic lifts, but can press more than bodyweight-which in his case has to be more than 235 pounds!
You may note in one of the pictures that Ed presents a menacing appearance, with his hair clipped to the bone. This is just because he doesn't like to have anything in the way when he hits the other guy.
One thing sure-when Ed gets up there with the Big Pros he will find he has lots of company in his hobby of muscle building . . . because most of the big boys are weight trainees, too.
How to Build Muscle
(Continued from page 18)
which make up the muscular fibres and in turn the muscles, which is you, must be supplied with the materials they
Human muscle is protein, and as it is complete protein it contains a certain combination of amino acids. Very few foods in the usual diet are complete proteins, they may be lacking four or even six of the ten essential amino acids. Unfortunately it is a law of nutrition that the body can not use protein unless it contains all the essential amino acids. If just is lacking, the protein cannot be used by the body and is excreted as waste. Yet a comparatively small amount of complete protein will supply the missing elements and make possible the utilization of the incomplete protein. That is why Hi-Proteen serves so well. It is a complete protein, contains not only a good supply of all the aminos but enough to supply the missing elements in incomplete proteins in the usual diet.
We have received thousands of letters from people who have gained as much as twelve pounds from single pound of Super Hi-Proteen, nearly as much as from
our Special Hi-Proteen Gain Weight. It is evident that one pound cannot build twelve pounds of useful attractive muscle, this merely proves that Hi-Proteen does serve as a catylist in the complete use of incomplete proteins in the diet.
It has long been our belief, and results uphold our long established theory, that a protein which most closely approaches human muscle in its formation, is a protein which most rapidly builds muscle and the strength which
accompanies it. In the years of Hoffman's Hi-Proteen, we have published many testimonials which tell of weight that is gained. Some people are overweight, and say they say they don't want to gain weight, why should they use Hi-Proteen? They lose track of the fact that Hi-Proteen is a non-fat or a very low-fat product, it does not build fat, it builds muscle. Even those who are overweight must maintain themselves, they must supply their bodies. with the elements needed for maintenance and repair as well as building. We must remember that the skin is protein, and an ample supply of protein makes the skin youthful, prevents wrinkling, we must remember that the nails are protein, and enough protein makes resilient, prevents breakage, makes them pink and shining, the hair is protein, and enough protein makes it healthy, shiny, lustrous, that the blood is protein, and every organ and gland and its products are protein, the muscles are protein, so to be well, strong and attractive it behooves all of us to supply the body with the protein and other essential elements it requires.
And, of course, those who want to gain weight must supply the body with ample supplies of the material of which is made. While most authorities believe that the body should be supplied with at least 100 grams of complete protein daily, those who are larger and more active need a great deal more. The majority of people who have failed to gain weight have been trying to subsist on 30 to 40 grams of protein daily. In time this will cause serious trouble, for when the body does not get enough protein, it must live on itself. It takes the protein from the least important muscles first, the face and neck, which accounts for the thin, scrawny, underweight appearance of so many people of maturer years. Persons have not been maintaining their protein equilibrium, need much more than the usual average for a time, and people past forty usually can not utilize protein as well as those who are younger. It is not a bit unusual for older people to require at least twice as much protein as those who are younger. Younger people have the ability to utilize protein very readily. That's why, when asked by visitors, what sort of Hi-Proteen they should use, if they are young, I tell them that more than likely they can get all of the protein they need from our dollar a pound standard Hi-Proteen. But if they are older, I suggest that they will obtain a full measure of benefit from Super Hi-Proteen, from Gain Weight, and even from Formula 63, a good $2.00 a pound protein. But where the need is great, the best is what is needed. That is why Super Hi-Proteen has long been a leader in sales of HiProteen products, and why the Special Hi-Proteen Gain Weight has been gaining so rapidly in sales. They do the work for which they are intended, they produce the desired results, and what serves best is cheapest in the end.
Standard Hi-Proteen is an excellent product, it will provide all the body needs for building, maintenance and repair for many people, but where the need is great, the Special Hi-Proteen serves best. Where the need is great means for those who are greatly underweight, for those who want all the strength and muscle they can get, for those who are entering important ath-
letic competition, for those who have been injured, suffered burns or experienced surgery, for pregnant and lactating women, for badly underweight children who do not grow as they should, and for the old folks. Super Hi-Proteen at $5.00 a pound is not expensive, $5.00 is a good average month's supply, less than twenty cents a day. Not added expense either, for it replaces so much ordinary food.
The more costly Hoffman's. Hi-Pro-. teens are more expensive because the materials of which they are made are expensive. Usually if you pay more, you get more. In our endeavor to formulate the finest high protein products in the world today we have spared no expense. For instance, the special egg albumen (white of egg) we use in our Hi-Proteen products cost us $2.52 per pound. We could purchase high protein products for just one-seventh the price which rate nearly as high in protein content, such as 87% for gelatin. But highly advertised gelatin which has been used by a great many of the ambitious muscle men is a poorly balanced product, completely lacking in some essential aminos and very low in others, as shown on the chart which appears in this article.
Among the ten proteins which make up the Special Hi-Proteen Gain Weight, will be found gelatin. We use it simply because so many of our friends among the weight-lifters and body-builders insist on using gelatin in spite of all the evidence to prove that it alone has no value, as it is not complete. When used with other complete proteins, and milk is a complete protein, but it takes a great deal of it to supply the necessary proteins as it is 87% water, only 32 per cent protein, it has some value, but when used with fruit juice or soft drinks, it has no body building value. It is advertised a great deal as a reducing aid, and it will aid in reducing for being an incomplete protein it can not be used by the body and is eliminated as waste. Naturally it can't add to the weight when it is not used.
In an important book made up of articles which appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, they have this to say about Gelatin. "Gelatin lacking in many of the essential Amino acids, so that it is quite unsatisfactory as a source of protein for nutritional purposes." From this book we have obtained the amino acid comparison of gelatin and human muscle which shows just how lacking gelatin is.
As we said, gelatin is nearly as high in protein as egg albumen, yet costs only one-seventh as much, so many products which are advertised as high protein products are literally loaded with it. A large percentage of gelatin in a product makes the product poorly balanced in itself and certainly not in a position to balance a poorly balanced or inadequate diet. As a favorable contrast, Egg Albumen we sincerely believe to be the best natural protein. The superior type of this product that we use rates as high as 99% complete protein. Egg Albumen in essential Amino acid content ranks first in nearly every amino, not worse than a close second in any of them. It has far more Tryptophan, one of the most essential growth elements than any other natural protein. It also ranks first in lysine the (Continued on page 46)
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Hoffman's Hi-Proteen tastes better when thoroughly mixed in a mechanical mixer. To help users get better taste and better results from the use of this wonderful food we offer these mechanical mixers at moneysaving prices!
SPOONOMAT MIXER: Can be carried in your pocket, revolves 1500 times a minute, does a splendid mixing job. $3.00. HAMILTON BEACH (Soda Fountain Type) MIXER: Large size, powerful 1/3 H.P. motor. A really professional job that will serve your family for years. $24.95. Order from
NEW... Carob Hi-Proteen! A taste thrill awaits you when you try this entirely different flavor, made with Carob powder, a food as old as history. Carob grew in the Garden of Eden, and was the main food of many ancient peoples. It looks and tastes somewhat like chocolate, but does not contain theobromine, the element distasteful to many people. Carob Hi-Proteen contains no sugar or artificial flavor. It tastes good and digests in an amazing manner, it actually makes your stomach feel good! Priced the same as other Hi-Proteen flavors. Try it. You'll like it.